An alphabetical listing of titles, and first lines of poems and songs which might be helpful to some.
- 1 Corinthians 13:12
- 1 John 3:2
- 1 Peter 2:4-7
- A Love Song
- All good gifts, and all good giving
- At Jerusalem's temple, near the altar that was blessed
- Be a gift
- Beatitudes
- Better than I Know Myself
- Blooming
- Burlwood Bowl
- Come with me on a tour of the King's storehouse
- Corners
- Cornerstone, Jesus is our living Cornerstone
- Creation
- Deuteronomy 5:6
- Do Not Despise the Day of Small Beginnings or Why I am Not Writing a Novel
- Draw Me
- Each one of us, each and every one of us
- Father, make us a people
- Favor of God, the
- For Such a Time as This
- Galatians 5:1
- Genesis 50:20
- God, I stand before you
- God showed John a city
- God, the Great Giver
- God's Gift
- Half of the Story
- Having the Mind of Christ
- Hebrews 1:2-3
- Hey! Jesus did it!
- I am a child of the King
- I am here
- I am not ready (and may never be)
- I am the Lord your God who Brought You out of Egypt
- I can do all these things
- I know what it is to be in need
- I may not be a rose or a daisy
- I want to meet at the Mercy Seat
- If it hadn't been for God
- Imaginary conversation with God about prayer
- In this world I am not important
- In these Last Days
- It is for freedom
- James 1:17-18
- Jesus, you are appointed heir of all things
- John 18:36
- Jonah
- Let me sing for you a love song
- Let me take the heaps of straw
- Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
- Life's Strife
- Living Stones, You tell Your people we are living stones
- Lord, we trust in You
- Love Song, A
- Luke 1:37
- Make Us a People
- Matthew 5:3-12
- Matthew 10:29-31
- Mercy Seat
- Mountain of the LORD, The
- My Creator Created the World
- My Kingdom is not of this world
- My Life's Song
- No God but God
- No word from God will ever fail
- Now We See in a Mirror Dimly
- On the Mountain of the Lord
- Of Paper and Pens
- Open, open, what doors do You open?
- Our King Walked Among Us, Carrying his cross
- Over and Over
- Out of the depths
- Philippians 3:12
- Philippians 4:12-13 (I can do all these things)
- Poems
- Prayer (Sometimes I Feel Foolish)
- Pressing Forward
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 84:3
- Psalm 124
- Psalm 125
- Psalm 130
- Rags
- Revelation 21,22
- Sheer Koheleth, the Song of Ecclesiastes
- So Special
- Song of Solomon 1:4
- Some Days
- Sometimes I'm the paper
- Sparrows
- Temple Sparrows
- The angel Gabriel came to Mary
- The Lord is My Shepherd
- The Mercy Seat
- The Mountain of God
- The Veil
- There is a God who cares about sparrows
- Wishing Well
- The Mind of Christ
- The Well
- There is No God but God
- Traveling Princess
- Transparent Gold
- Truth
- Vessels for the King
- Waiting
- What does life mean? It has to mean something.
- When I sit and pray to You
- When I was little there were times when I'd say
- When I'm stretched to the limit, and aching
- When the Great Creator
- You are my Center, and You are my Core
- You Intended to Harm Me (Gen 50:20)
- You Know Me Better Than I know Myself
- You Make It All Worthwhile
- You spoke the world into being