Thursday, May 16, 2024

You Make It All Worthwhile

I woke up recently with part of this song running through my mind and heart, and was able to spend some time making it come together.  I think it represents how I have thought of God since I came to be a follower of Jesus, since I did not come to him primarily to have my sins forgiven but to find something that was worth living my whole life for.

I was recently ordained, and I used this song as part of my testimony in conjunction with the ordination process.

You  Make it All Worthwhile

You are my center, and You are my core
The Ground of my Being, What I'm living for
Help me remember when I'm feeling weary
That you make it all worthwhile.

You are the one that I'm running the race for
And You are the one that I run to embrace
Help me stay certain when I'm feeling shaken
That you make it all worthwhile.

King of all kings on the throne of my heart
The Lamb that was slain and my Light in the Dark
All of my days as long as I'm living
You make it all worthwhile.

For what it's worth, I think I have the words slightly different in the YouTube video.  The way I have it here is the way I want it, but I don't have the bandwidth to change the video just now.

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