Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Now We See in a Mirror Dimly

 This is a new song that has been running through my mind lately.

Along with it is a recognition that it is all to easy to have the "mirror" running backwards so that instead of reflecting God with our lives, we only see in our understanding of God a reflection of our own prejudices and preconceived notions.  This song, at least in my mind, is a prayer that more and more I'd be able to see God as God is and not just as I want God to be.

Now We See in a Mirror Dimly

Now we see in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see face to face
Now we see in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see face to face
And even what we see in that mirror
Fills us with wonder and awe.
Now we see in a mirror dimly
But then we shall see face to face.

Lord, when we see You we shall be like You
For we shall see You as You are
Help us to see You and to be like You
Help us to see You as You are.

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