Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Covenant Love

 This is a song I wrote almost 30 years ago, but I had lost it.  I couldn't remember the words or the melody except in a kind of ghost sense.  In recent years, I've asked God if he would help me get it back.  Then yesterday, it suddenly came back to mind.  I guess it's time.  I drew from Romans 8:28, Romans 8:38-39, the idea that the church is the Bride of Christ, and my memories of my wedding vows.

Covenant Love

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
It's in the broken bread
Our spirits will be fed
We know all things
Will work good in our lives and blessing
And from your love, O God,
Nothing can part us.

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
We drink the cup of life
We are Your chosen wife
We are Your bride
You have suffered and died to claim us.
Help us to live for You.
Help us be faithful.

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
You make a solemn vow
You will be with us now
Through good and ill
You will always be there beside us
And since You conquered death
Nothing can part us.

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