Tuesday, October 15, 2024

God's Gift

 This morning I was thinking about spiritual gifts, because our church will soon be doing a workshop about this topic.  And suddenly I heard this song in my heart, God singing it over me and all of us.  Very simple and short, but meaningful to me.

God's Gift

Be a gift, be a gift
Be a wonderful present
Be a gift, be a gift 
To the world.

Help them know who I am.
Help them see that I love them.
Be my gift, be my gift
To the world.

You're my gift, you're my gift
You're my wonderful present.
You're my gift, you're my gift
To the world.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

When the Testing Comes

 I was in a Bible Study.  We had just read 1 John 4: 17-18.

"This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment:  In this world we are like Jesus.  There is no fear in love.  But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment.  The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

The question was asked, "What is the day of judgment?" and it occurred to me that there are many sorts of "days of judgment", times when our faith is tested.  I don't have fear for the final day of judgment, but what about the intermediary times of testing.  I don't want to be foolishly sure that I will pass the test in all times of trial.

So that became a prayer, became a poem, became a song.  I probably did not pay as much attention as I might have to the rest of the study.  

When the Testing Comes 

When the testing comes,
I want to ring like a bell
When the trials come,
Give me Your stories to tell.

Let me know Your love
Throws away all my fear
Let me walk in love,
Knowing You will be here
And Your love casts out fear.

You are my Number One
Come and burn like fire.
Let my passion grow
Let the flames reach up higher
Burn away all chaff
Burn away all my dross
When I pass through flame
Nothing real will be lost.

When the testing comes,
I want to ring like a bell
When the trials come,
Give me Your stories to tell.

Let me know Your love
Throws away all my fear
Let me walk in love,
Knowing You will be here
And Your love casts out fear.

Covenant Love

 This is a song I wrote almost 30 years ago, but I had lost it.  I couldn't remember the words or the melody except in a kind of ghost sense.  In recent years, I've asked God if he would help me get it back.  Then yesterday, it suddenly came back to mind.  I guess it's time.  I drew from Romans 8:28, Romans 8:38-39, the idea that the church is the Bride of Christ, and my memories of my wedding vows.

Covenant Love

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
It's in the broken bread
Our spirits will be fed
We know all things
Will work good in our lives and blessing
And from your love, O God,
Nothing can part us.

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
We drink the cup of life
We are Your chosen wife
We are Your bride
You have suffered and died to claim us.
Help us to live for You.
Help us be faithful.

O Lamb of God
You keep covenant with Your people
You make a solemn vow
You will be with us now
Through good and ill
You will always be there beside us
And since You conquered death
Nothing can part us.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Over and Over

I have recently been thinking about various Arabic names for God, and have come to Al-Ghaffar, the Repeatedly Forgiving.  As I read through the different commentaries in Islamic sources on this name, they read much like Christian commentaries on forgiveness, especially stressing the point that one should not fail to ask for forgiveness even though it might seem like the number of sins one has committed are overwhelming.  (There is another, related name, Al-Ghaffur, which stresses God's willingness to forgive even great sins).  

In liturgical churches, we often pray some version of a general repentance prayer that goes, "We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent. For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in your will, and walk in your ways, to the glory of your Name.""

There is a tension in the Christian life.  On one hand, in Christ we are dead to sin, and sin should have no dominion over us.  John goes so far as to say that "who resides in him does not sin; everyone who sins has neither seen him nor known him." (1 John 3:6).  However, Christian experience tells us that becoming a Christian does not, in fact, bring us immediately into a sin free life.  It is not that there is no progress or no victory, but we as we progress in our spiritual walk, we become more aware of subtler sins.  At least, that is the hope.

Over and Over

Over and over and over again
I find myself missing the mark..
Over and over and over again
I stumble and fall in the dark..

Sometimes I try and fail
And sometimes I fail to try.
Over and over and over again
I cry out for forgiveness to God on high.

And over and over and over again
You forgive me and help me to make a new start
Over and over and over again
You clean up the mess in my heart.

And I stand here in wonder and awe that You
Would keep on forgiving a person who
In all of my blunders keeps coming to You
Over and over again.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Living Stones

This song is almost a year and a half old.   I started a blog entry and never posted it.  I'm trying to catch up on having my blog up to date.

I've always been intrigued by the concept that we are living stones.  When I looked up the verse, I was struck by the fact that we are living stones that God is building together into his temple or his house.  Together, we are meant to hold the very presence of God.  

The letter of 1 Peter talks about this: 

You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God's temple.  He was rejected by people, but was he was chosen by God for great honor.  And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple.  What's more, you are his holy priests.  Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.  As the Scriptures say, "I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem, chosen for great honor, and anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced."  Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him.  But for those who reject him, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."  1 Peter 2: 4-7 NLT

As I thought about this, I realized that I have always thought of Jesus as our cornerstone as meaning that he was like the keystone of an arch (without the keystone the whole thing falls apart).  But the cornerstone is the one that all the other stones have to line up with for the building to take shape.

This is what came to me as I thought about this.

    Living Stones

Living Stones
You tell Your people we are living stones.
Made to fit together
And when we come together
We become the house of God.

Jesus is our living Cornerstone
The standard we are set to
So when we come together 
We become the house of God.

House of God
Together, we're the house of God.
The Church is made of people
And when we come together 
We become the house of God.


Now We See in a Mirror Dimly

 This is a new song that has been running through my mind lately.

Along with it is a recognition that it is all to easy to have the "mirror" running backwards so that instead of reflecting God with our lives, we only see in our understanding of God a reflection of our own prejudices and preconceived notions.  This song, at least in my mind, is a prayer that more and more I'd be able to see God as God is and not just as I want God to be.

Now We See in a Mirror Dimly

Now we see in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see face to face
Now we see in a mirror dimly
Then we shall see face to face
And even what we see in that mirror
Fills us with wonder and awe.
Now we see in a mirror dimly
But then we shall see face to face.

Lord, when we see You we shall be like You
For we shall see You as You are
Help us to see You and to be like You
Help us to see You as You are.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Pressing Forward

 I guess one isn't supposed to post two blog entries on the same day, but I realize that this is a song that never made it on to the blog, and it is one that is important to me just now.

It's at least a year old, but it focuses on two scriptures that have been dear to me for a long while now.

Pressing Forward

Pressing forward, pressing in, pressing on to lay hold of
That for which Jesus laid hold of me.
Pressing forward, pressing in, pressing on to lay hold of
That for which Jesus laid hold of me.

Draw me, draw me, draw me and I will run after
Draw me, draw me, and I will run after You.

Help me to be more like Jesus.
What does it mean today to carry my cross?
Help me keep my eyes on the target
And follow whatever the cost.

Pressing forward, pressing in, pressing on to lay hold of
That for which Jesus laid hold of me
Pressing forward, pressing in, pressing on to lay hold of
That for which Jesus laid hold of me.

Draw me, draw me, draw me and I will run after.
Draw me, draw me, and I will run after You.