Another Bible memory verse song, but this one contains commentary in a companion song (or part) that is sung simultaneously. Sort of like the way Judas and Jesus sing different songs that blend together in "All for the Best" from Godspell. Of course, not nearly as musically sophisticated as that, but I had that in mind as I wrote this, as well as the way the parts join together in songs like Power in the Blood, which I tend to think of us one of the detergent jingle hymns. Whether I like that song or not, it's clearly one of the influences that goes into this song, a part of my musical DNA.
It was fun discovering that these two parts, which I hoped would sound right on top of each other really could be made to work.
I love the underlying message of this verse, that following Jesus is not about following rules, but it's also not about succumbing to all the various things that can enslave us. And I tried to say that in a way that was simple enough for young children to follow.
It was fun discovering that these two parts, which I hoped would sound right on top of each other really could be made to work.
I love the underlying message of this verse, that following Jesus is not about following rules, but it's also not about succumbing to all the various things that can enslave us. And I tried to say that in a way that was simple enough for young children to follow.