Wednesday, November 6, 2013

It is for Freedom, Galatians 5:1

Another Bible memory verse song, but this one contains commentary in a companion song (or part) that is sung simultaneously.  Sort of like the way Judas and Jesus sing different songs that blend together in "All for the Best" from Godspell.  Of course, not nearly as musically sophisticated as that, but I had that in mind as I wrote this, as well as the way the parts join together in songs like Power in the Blood, which I tend to think of us one of the detergent jingle hymns.  Whether I like that song or not, it's clearly one of the influences that goes into this song, a part of my musical DNA.

It was fun discovering that these two parts, which I hoped would sound right on top of each other really could be made to work.

I love the underlying message of this verse, that following Jesus is not about following rules, but it's also not about succumbing to all the various things that can enslave us.  And I tried to say that in a way that was simple enough for young children to follow.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Few Bible Memory Songs

Lately I have been working on Bible memory songs for children.

As is always the case for me, I find that my songs are particularly helpful for myself.  What happens for me is that I put some words together that convey some truth that I think I have seen, or that speaks to my heart, and then the song runs itself over and over in my mind and heart.  And I think that this is helpful.

I might mention here that many of these songs have the reference as part of the song itself.  That may seem like (and may be) silliness, but the logic is that if you have the references memorized, you begin to build up a kind of mental map of the Bible that can be extremely useful at times.  Even in these days of search engines.

These songs are not very sophisticated musically, nor are the words deep except in that they are scripture.  Still I find them helpful, and perhaps others will too.  You will see that sometimes I have simply tried to give the Bible passage, and other times I have added in a small attempt to supply context and application.  Sometimes through the words and other times through the pictures.

If you are used to these verses in the King James, some will sound a little strange.   Since we're encouraging the kids to use the NIV, we're taking the words from that version.

Genesis 50:20

A simple Bible memory song that represents the heart of Joseph's reconciliation with his brothers.  In our own lives, I think, most of the time the people who hurt us don't really mean to do it, but Joseph's brothers didn't have that excuse.  You just can't shove someone in a pit, sell them into slavery and tell their father that they are dead, and then say, -Well, I didn't mean to hurt you.-  When I sing these words though, I think it will mostly be to Satan, the enemy of my soul, who does intend to harm me (and who cannot take me out of God's love no matter what he does.)

Deuteronomy 5:6

Psalm 23:

Monday, September 16, 2013

Philippians 4:12-13 (I Can Do All This Through Him)

I find that I am writing songs to help children memorize Bible verses.  Since our program is using the NIV translation of the Bible, it means that the songs have to follow that version.  It also means that the songs other people have come up with over the years are a bit less helpful than they might be.

I'm quite pleased with this one.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Who Do You Serve?

Who Do You Serve?

I realized that not only have I not posted here in a long time, but I have never posted this song.  Since I wanted to share it with somebody today, let me get it up here.

This song originated when a dear friend, in the midst of a terrible situation, heard God asking him, "Who do you serve?"  As I pondered this, somewhat indignantly, I realized that the encouraging word in the situation lay in considering  the nature of God. I later learned that my friend realized this almost instantaneously.  It took me a little longer, and I tried to structure the song to reflect some aspects of  the trinitarian nature of God as I understand it to be revealed in the Bible.

Who Do You Serve?

Who do you serve?
O tell me who do you serve?
Who is the God that you serve?

I serve the God who created the heavens and earth
He made the hills and the mighty rolling seas.
I serve the God who makes troubles a gateway for hope
And I serve a God who sets the captives free.

I serve the God who hung bleeding and torn on the cross
He took my shame and my guilt and my despair.
I serve the God who keeps calling the broken and lost
And I serve a God who listens to my prayer.

I serve a God who sees me
You know me through and through
Nothing in me is hidden from your gaze.
Take what I am, Transform me
Spirit, I cry to you
I want my life to be a song of praise.

That's who I serve.
O Father, You're who I serve
You are the God that I serve.
That's who I serve.
O Jesus, You're who I serve.
You are the God that I serve.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Master, redeemer, friend
Conquering king and healer of my soul
You are the God that I serve
You are the God that I serve.